Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences – University of Zagreb, Croatia
Repetition of pseudowords and sentences with pseudowords in children with dyslexia and typically developing children in the third and fourth grade of elementary school
Prof. Dr.Maria Poulou
University of Patras, Greece
Teachers’ promotion of mental health: Results from a European intervention program (PROMEHS)
Dr.Carolyn Stevenson
Purdue University Global, USA
Stretched Too Thin: Leveling the Educational Landscape through OERs and Open Degree Plans
Ass.Prof. Hümeyra Genç
Üsküdar University, Turkey
The Designing Process of L2 Listening Test with Visuals
Dr. Guy Moshe Pinku
Levinsky College of Education, Israel
The Trio Model: A new approach for Teaching Disciplines of Education Face-to-Face and Online
Dr. Orit Shenkar
Ono Academic College, Israel
Undergraduate experience of faculty members’ attire
Prof Dr.Prakash Naidoo
University of Free State, South Africa
Managing the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus through the implementation a COVID-19 vaccination policy at a South African University
Prof.Dr.Hiroaki Watanabe
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
An Innovative Method of Teaching Grammar and its Impact on Standardized Test Scores
Prof.Dr.Robert Long
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Characterizing Japanese Learners’ Written Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency Over a School Year
Dr.Panagiotis Kosmas
Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology, Cyprus & School of Education, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Promoting Intercultural Education using a board game in formal and in-formal educational contexts.
Dr.Gan Lu
The Pre-school Education Researcher institute of The Preschool Education in Shenzhen, China
Experiences and Reflections on the Construction of Smart Kindergartens in a Chinese City
Dr.Desire Chiwandire
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), USA
Rethinking higher education transformation and disability inclusion in South Africa: A synthesis of literature
Prof Dr.Michele Eduarda Brasil de Sá
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Producing materials for EMI classes – the role of tip sheets for students
Dr.Jingshu Guo
Kyushu University, Japan
A study on the theory and practice of English teaching based on a dual subject interaction model
Mrs. Marianna Kafaridou
University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Universal Design Learning and Design Education
Ms.K H Priyanka Sandyani Kumarasinghe
SANASA Campus, Sri Lanka
Applying Digital Literacy in English as a Second Language Assignment to Promote 21st Century Core Skills in Undergraduates in Sri Lanka: A Group Assignment via Microsoft Sway Application
Ms.Sırma Rana Esmer
Hisar School, Turkey
Flipped classroom application in Chemistry Education: An analysis of task challenge and students’ views
Ms.Ameneh Taghvaei
Kashan University, Iran
Early Childhood English Learning in the City of Qom
Mrs.Josefina Bengoechea
The importance of Emotional Intelligence: The Role of Higher Education
Ms.Salwa Dakheel Alhalafi
Lancaster University UK, Saudi Arabia
How might the organisational culture influence the self-efficacy of Saudi women leaders in higher education?(Pilot study)
Mrs.Yuanyuan Zhu
The Affiliated Preschool of Shenzhen Longhair District Education Institute Early Childhood Education Group, Thailand
Teachers’ perceptions of class instructional supervision as a warning to managers – a survey from an urban area in China
Mr.Jakub Adamczewski
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Finland: Good teachers make great schools.
Ms.Yuzhen Fu
Wenzhou-Kean University, China
Gender-specific differences in professional choices in Chinese cultural contexts